
info@environmentalenhancements.com 902-441-0033 (Atlantic Time Zone)
5 Michael Lane Dartmouth, NS, Canada

Our Company Testimonials

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Sample Testimonies From Our Satisfied Customers Over The Past 15+ Years.


Steve E. - Clarksville, MD (Aug 2024)

I have been using this outstanding product for four years. I never imagined the amount and volume of sludge and lint fibers that I would be removing from it over that time.

Like any septic field, mine depends on the porosity of the soil surrounding it to absorb wastewater. I think I have extended the life of the septic system by years by not clogging the surrounding soil with this muck from the laundry discharge. And I like to think I'm doing my part to keep micro plastics out of the groundwater by disposing of it in an environmentally conscious manner. The filter was easy to install, and after four years of regular use, the stainless steel filter is in fine shape.

This product is a great idea; thank you for choosing to use materials and workmanship that have made it last.

J. Gilliam - (March 2024)

I wanted to say thank you for this fabulous product!

I am not protecting a septic system, but rather my household plumbing. Over the recent holidays, I went four days without the use of my kitchen sink or washing machine because my drain pipes were clogged. I have five pets; three cats and two long haired dachshunds and then there are the humans. I wash at least a load of laundry a day. After spending $400 in plumbing fees I stumbled upon, ordered and installed your product. After two loads the filter was astonishingly successful and I was pleased to empty and clean the debris. I'm astonished that this product is not required by all front load washing machine manufacturers' in the absence of built-in filters regardless of septic or government waste processing.

I truly anticipate 20 more years of unclogged pipes. Thank you!

Rebecca M. - Gatineau, Quebec, Canada (September 2019)

I first heard about this product on CBC radio and was immediately interested both in terms of saving our septic system and protecting the environment.

We have been using the Lint LUV-R for one year now and I am still constantly impressed by the amount of crud this thing filters out! It seems very well-designed and solidly build so I'm sure it will last for years to come. It is straightforward to install and easy to clean. I highly recommend this product. Thanks again for making such a great product!

Paul P. -  Beeton, Ontario, Canada (October 2018)

Great product. Phenomenal customer service. Easy and well explained installation. Visual results. With every load of laundry you see how much lint got caught in the way to your septic. It should be included with every septic system. Thank you Blair!

Bev L. -  Denver, Colorado, USA (August 2018)

Best purchase we have made in years, hard to believe just how much lint goes down the drain, Lint LUV-R solves that problem. Easy to clean. Definitely would recommend it!

Kevin K. - Niantic, Connecticut, USA (April 2015)

I received the Lint LUV-R washing machine filter kit with the wall mount in the mail the other day. I installed it over the weekend, and it works perfectly. I was impressed with the completeness of the kit and quality of the product. Usually when it comes to plumbing I need to make at least one trip to the hardware store to pick up some fitting or miscellaneous item, but your kit came with everything I needed – no extra trips necessary. As quality goes, I can already tell that your product is something that will work well for a number of years to come.

 You provide a truly exceptional product; keep up the outstanding work.

Barry G. -  (April 2013)

Thank you for making such a sturdy and effective filter system. Installation was a breeze and even after just a few loads I was surprised by the amount of lint it had filtered.

Bob M. - Westminster, Colorado, USA (April 2012)

Wow, I can't believe the amount of lint your filter removes. And removal and cleaning is a snap. A quality engineered product. Thank you, sure glad I bought your product and not some of the other stuff out there.

Steve & Mina B. - Oroville, California, USA (September 2010)

When my wife & I bought our new house back in 2009, our escrow agent's husband owned a septic tank cleaning business. She told us how important it was to keep the tank clean by filtering out, or not introducing into the tank, undesirable items and by not using additives, bleach, or the garbage disposal. Within the first year of our owning the home, I did a search on how to maintain a septic system, since this was my first, and came across your website. Once I understood how much damage washing machine debris can cause to a septic system, your filter made perfect sense to me. I had no idea how much debris could enter the tank from the washing machine until I purchased this. Since purchasing this filter in 2010, I have found out.

It has been working perfectly for three years now and we couldn't be happier!

Aruna P. - Hanover, Maryland, USA (January 2008)

We bought Lint LUV-R Machine Discharge Filter from you two years ago. We are very happy with the filter. It works very efficiently. The filter is very sturdy and very easy to use. My husband is an electrical engineer. He is very impressed with the design and the work of the filter. It traps all lint from clothes. Before Lint LUV-R, I had sewage blockage which was very expensive. This product is worth every penny.

Thank you for brilliant product.

Kathleen J. - Environmental Engineer, Pictou, Nova Scotia, Canada (April 2003)

My job has provided me with the opportunity to see first hand the effects of self-cleaning lint filters from automatic washing machines on septic systems. Lint from automatic washing machines which are labeled self-cleaning now goes into your septic system. This lint will not settle out and remains in suspension until it clogs the sand and pipes in the distribution fields causing it to fail. I have personally witnessed a 2-year-old system, which had to be completely replaced because of lint. As such when I learned of your product, I was anxious to try it. As you know I purchased your lint filter system in 2003 and connected it to my own septic system. I have found it removes the lint, which would normally end up in the distribution field, saving the system from failure.

I would recommend your product to everyone who has an on-site sewage disposal system.