Our Company Environmental Enhancements
About Environmental Enhancements
Founded in 2003, Environmental Enhancements was the result of a personal hardship caused by a common, yet largely unrecognized, problem with septic systems. After only 1½ years in my new home, I had the pleasure of cleaning up 2 inches of sewer effluent in my basement. My septic tank outlet pipe had become blocked with washing machine lint. Much like dryer lint, I discovered that washing machines break down clothing fibers and pump them into septic systems during the rinse cycle. I went to the hardware store to find a product to solve this problem, but came home empty handed. In the end, I designed and fabricated my own prototype – the Lint LUV-R Septic SAV-R. I have been using this product in my home for 18 years and have now sold over 7500 units internationally through my home-based business.
The Problem with Lint
In addition to blocked plumbing and distribution lines, washing machine lint is a leading contributor to septic system failure. During heavy wash days when septic tanks become full of wastewater, synthetic lint fibers (acrylic, nylon, polyester, etc.) float and flush around tank baffles. Carried out into the septic field, this non-biodegradable lint causes other problems:
- Sewage pump failure from binding
- Contamination of the distribution field
- Plugged soil pores leading to system failure and environmental and/or groundwater contamination
- Expensive replacement of septic field and/or septic system
MicroPlastics & Environmental Contamination
Recently, scientists have connected increasing microplastic contamination in aquatic systems to synthetic fibers from washing machine effluent. Ineffective or non-existent household and commercial wastewater and sewage filters currently allow these fibers to enter our oceans, lakes, rivers and groundwater systems unabated. Microplastics can then be ingested by fish and other marine life, thereby entering the food chain and our food supply.

About Me
Majority Owner: Blair JollimoreRoles & Responsibilities: Manager of Operations
Employed by: Pratt & Whitney Canada Inc (Aircraft Engine Manufacturer) for 32 years. Involved in various aspects of manufacturing; including leadership roles.
Background & Experience: Attended Dalhousie University Halifax Sept.1983-Dec.1983, Attended Nova Scotia Institute of Technology Sept.1984-July 1987 (Diplomas in Mechanical Engineering Technology and Automated Manufacturing Technology).
Other Qualifications: Level 1 Firefighter, Advanced Medical First Responder, Hazmat Technician, Confined Space Rescuer, Defibrillator Certified.
An energetic, experienced, and technically sound individual with a strong background in the engineering and manufacturing fields. A self motivated and directed individual with leadership skills and qualities. A team player who knows and appreciates the values and advantages created in a work team environment. An individual committed to the betterment of our environment and people less fortunate than ourselves.

About Our Products
The Lint LUV-R washing machine lint filter was developed in October 2001 by Blair Jollimore in Montague Gold Mines, Nova Scotia. The design uses a stainless steel mesh filter fabricated in Nova Scotia placed inside a water filter housing fabricated in Toronto, Ontario. A rubber grommet is used to provide the seal between the mesh filter and the spigot of the housing. The filter and housing are combined with fittings, screws, clamps, tubing, Teflon tape and instructions to form a self-install kit that the owner can mount in their laundry room under a shelf or cabinet. An optional wall mount bracket kit is sold if the owner doesn’t have a suitable location for mounting.
The washing machine discharge hose is adapted to the inlet port of the filter and a hose directs wastewater flow out of the filter into the drainpipe leading to the septic system. The laundry wastewater must pass through the filter mesh before exiting the filter capturing the lint on the outside of the filter. Lint accumulation continues for approximately two- three weeks before the filter and the filter bowl are removed and the lint is cleaned out. After cleaning, the filter and bowl are returned to their location of function and the laundering process continues. There is no need to buy replacement filters.
The design has no moving parts and is simple, durable and effective. Its purpose is to prevent washing machine lint from entering the septic system. Lint has caused flooded basements, damage to septic pumps, blocked sewer piping and clogged septic distribution systems. The Lint LUV-R is an environmental enhancement that prevents damage to our environment.